India: Hockey India League Return on the Cards

rr celebrates afte 3208096b - India: Hockey India League Return on the Cards - Last held in 2017, hockey India asks the world body for a suitable window to host the franchise-based league again.

Last held in 2017, hockey India asks the world body for a suitable window to host the franchise-based league again. Five years after it was last held, the Hockey India League (HIL) could make a comeback after the national body reached out to the International Hockey Federation (FIH) earlier this week to check on the […]

FIH: Sultan of Johor Cup – Day 2

GB SOJ - FIH: Sultan of Johor Cup - Day 2 - Day two of the 1oth edition of the Sultan of Johor Cup saw the three teams that won on day one taking on the three teams who lost. The big question was would any of the latter manage to record an opening win in the tournament?

Day two of the 1oth edition of the Sultan of Johor Cup saw the three teams that won on day one taking on the three teams who lost. The big question was would any of the latter manage to record an opening win in the tournament? First up was Great Britain again Japan who had […]

Netherlands: Round-up HK (D): SCHC wins topper, finally another victory for HDM

SCHC Amsetrdam - Netherlands: Round-up HK (D): SCHC wins topper, finally another victory for HDM - The topper in the Dutch big league was won by SCHC. In Bilthoven, the leader was 3-2 too strong for the number two in the ranking, Amsterdam. At the bottom of the Dutch big league, HDM took three important points by beating Kampong 2-1 in Utrecht. Bloemendaal lost 2-1 to Pinoké and last-placed Klein Zwitserland went down to visit Hurley (4-0).

The topper in the Dutch big league was won by SCHC. In Bilthoven, the leader was 3-2 too strong for the number two in the ranking, Amsterdam. At the bottom of the Dutch big league, HDM took three important points by beating Kampong 2-1 in Utrecht. Bloemendaal lost 2-1 to Pinoké and last-placed Klein Zwitserland went down to […]

Netherlands: Round-up Tulip Hk (H): Kampong Beats Pinoké, Den Bosch Beats HGC

WV2R7428 e1666530143245 1200x600 1 - Netherlands: Round-up Tulip Hk (H): Kampong Beats Pinoké, Den Bosch Beats HGC - Leader Kampong was 4-3 too strong for Pinoké in the Amsterdamse Bos on Sunday. HGC had to acknowledge its superiority in Den Bosch (2-4) and HDM defeated last-placed Voordaan with 5-2. The third PhD student, Schaerweijde, lost out against Amsterdam (3-1).

Leader Kampong was 4-3 too strong for Pinoké in the Amsterdamse Bos on Sunday. HGC had to acknowledge its superiority in Den Bosch (2-4) and HDM defeated last-placed Voordaan with 5-2. The third PhD student, Schaerweijde, lost out against Amsterdam (3-1). Pinoké – Kampong 3-4 For the second weekend in a row, Pinoké was left empty-handed after […]

Netherlands: Zerbo Decidedly Great in Favour of SCHC: 3-2

Zerbo 3 KS scaled 1200x600 1666546107 - Netherlands: Zerbo Decidedly Great in Favour of SCHC: 3-2 - Halfway through the last quarter, SCHC–Amsterdam seemed to be heading for a draw after the 2-2 of World Player of the Year Felice Albers. But within a minute after the equalizer of Amsterdam, goal thief Ginella Zerbo tapped in the 3-2. As a result, SCHC won the wonderful top match, also thanks to two goals from Yibbi Jansen, and no longer has to share the lead with Amsterdam after eight rounds.

Halfway through the last quarter, SCHC–Amsterdam seemed to be heading for a draw after the 2-2 of World Player of the Year Felice Albers. But within a minute after the equalizer of Amsterdam, goal thief Ginella Zerbo tapped in the 3-2. As a result, SCHC won the wonderful top match, also thanks to two goals from Yibbi […]

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