FAN: NFHCA: Temple field hockey joins week five Division I poll, seven teams move up

fan nfhca temple field hockey joins week five division i poll seven teams move up 67059d0344973 - FAN: NFHCA: Temple field hockey joins week five Division I poll, seven teams move up - The latest National Field Hockey Coaches Association Division I poll added one new team to the national list and saw seven teams move up.

The latest National Field Hockey Coaches Association Division I poll added one new team to the national list and saw seven teams move up.   The week five poll was published Tuesday. The University of Massachusetts-Amherst saw the greatest gains moving up four spots, according to coaches polled.   In addition to UMass, the University […]

FAN: NFHCA: Messiah sees most movement in latest Division III coaches poll

fan nfhca messiah sees most movement in latest division iii coaches poll 67059ce21e7d9 - FAN: NFHCA: Messiah sees most movement in latest Division III coaches poll - The National Field Hockey Coaches Association Division III week five poll has teams mostly settling into the same slots as last week’s poll.

The National Field Hockey Coaches Association Division III week five poll has teams mostly settling into the same slots as last week’s poll.   Four colleges and universities moved up, while three moved down. Messiah moved the most in the poll, up two spots.   The top six teams have been all but fixtures this […]

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