Netherlands: Kampong icon Harte waves goodbye: ‘Made friends for life’

netherlands kampong icon harte waves goodbye made friends for life 67d405f3e99cb - Netherlands: Kampong icon Harte waves goodbye: 'Made friends for life' - His club calls him the "most iconic goalkeeper in Kampong history. Words that the modest David Harte himself will never utter. After thirteen seasons in Utrecht, the 36-year-old Irish goalkeeper is closing the door behind him and moving to Belfast. 'I now say Utereg, with a hard G.'

His club calls him the “most iconic goalkeeper in Kampong history. Words that the modest David Harte himself will never utter. After thirteen seasons in Utrecht, the 36-year-old Irish goalkeeper is closing the door behind him and moving to Belfast. ‘I now say Utereg, with a hard G.’ In the middle of the conversation, Harte […]

England: Nick Pink steps down as CEO of England Hockey and COO of GB Hockey

england nick pink steps down as ceo of england hockey and coo of gb hockey 67d436b10815d - England: Nick Pink steps down as CEO of England Hockey and COO of GB Hockey - After five and a half years in the role, Nick Pink has decided to step down as Chief Executive of England Hockey and Chief Operating Officer of GB Hockey.

After five and a half years in the role, Nick Pink has decided to step down as Chief Executive of England Hockey and Chief Operating Officer of GB Hockey. Throughout his time as CEO and COO, Pink has seen a number of changes across the sport including the introduction of the new strategy, success on […]

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