In execution of the strategic decision to work on the awareness of the Grant Thornton brand, the company carried out an exercise involving all departments, to ensure broad consensus. What would they like to achieve? What seemed important to them? And above all, what would suit them in terms of image and values? In addition, the company was looking for continuity in visibility, national coverage and projects that were part of its CSR (corporate social responsibility) approach. A number of social and sporting organizations emerged from this exercise, with which Grant Thornton held discussions.
    Ultimately, it was the ARBH which proved to offer the most advantages. “This is a project of strategic importance to us,” says Leslie Van den Branden, Managing Partner at Grant Thornton. “In addition to brand awareness, this partnership also offers us numerous opportunities in terms of CSR. Diversity and inclusion are important themes for us. In Belgium and within the international network. ARBH takes various initiatives around inclusion, including gender equality, LGBTQ stance, para hockey, street hockey, school hockey, etc. Furthermore, key hockey values ​​such as respect, cooperation and team spirit, fair play and excellence are also closely aligned with the core of our own DNA. Grant Thornton also strongly believes in the power of these values ​​and applies them at all levels of the organization. We are proud to associate our name with it.”

    Serge Pilet, CEO of ARBH, is also delighted with this new partnership with Grant Thornton: “Our new partner has indicated that he wants to go further than simple support for national teams. We are therefore delighted with this new partnership. Like many organizations, we currently face serious challenges on social issues such as diversity and inclusion. Important measures must also be taken in terms of personnel management, supervision and infrastructure. The arrival of Grant Thornton, his dynamism and his proven know-how in the above areas will undoubtedly help us enormously to propel Belgian hockey to an even higher level. »


    by Hockey BE

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