EHF: Update regulations June 2023

The EHF has made some changes to various regulations. Below is a summary of some of the changes.


  • For Indoor and Outdoor club events (including EHL), the transport regulations have now been updated. The change means that the regulations are the same as for the Indoor and Outdoor (U21) Championship events. A host is now only responsible for arranging and paying for teams’ return transport from the designated airport(s) to the designated hotel(s).
  • The return transport from any hotel to the venue is not for a host, but for the teams to pay. The host however has to provide a quote to arrange the transport, but teams have to pay this.

Women’s Trophy:

  • In Outdoor Women’s Club events, from the 2023-2024 season on, a Trophy II event is added to the calendar to align with the men.


  • ·What has already been the case for some time, is that for indoor and Outdoor Challenge club events teams are not required to have 2nd colored shorts/skirts, but are only recommended to have them.
  • In EHL, Indoor Cup and all Trophy I & II events teams are required to have 2nd coloured shorts/skirts.


Where a 5-team Challenge event is played in a 2-pool format, then the cross-over matches will not be 1A-2B and 1B-2A, but will be 1A-1B and 2A-2B. That way the final ranking in the event will be 1 till 5 instead of 1-1-3-3-5. Obviously if a 5-team Round Robin can be played over 5 days, this would have the preference.

Event names:

From now on Junior events are called U21 events, to make it in line with U16 and U18.

Member National Associations:

Turkey has requested to EHF to change Turkey to Türkiye which was approved.

by European Hockey Federation

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