Netherlands: Speelschema NK Zaal 2025: de ontknoping

netherlands speelschema nk zaal 2025 de ontknoping 6781a02d59721 - Netherlands: Speelschema NK Zaal 2025: de ontknoping - The 2024-2025 indoor season will also come to a grand conclusion this year. On the weekend of January 25 and 26 we will start with the preliminary rounds for the youth and a week later the final weekend of the NK for youth and big league will take place. The national championships will conclude on February 9 with the NK Reserve Teams and O25.

The 2024-2025 indoor season will also come to a grand conclusion this year. On the weekend of January 25 and 26 we will start with the preliminary rounds for the youth and a week later the final weekend of the NK for youth and big league will take place. The national championships will conclude on […]

Hoofdklasse: Nick Bandurak Joins Oranje-Rood

Bandurak shakes hands with Dutch keep Visser

A New Chapter in Dutch Hockey In an exciting move that highlights his calibre, England and Great Britain international Nick Bandurak has signed for Dutch Hoofdklasse club Oranje-Rood. The prolific forward, known for his lethal finishing and hockey IQ, is set to bring his talents to one of the world’s most competitive domestic leagues. Currently […]

Netherlands: KNHB Podcast: a final look back at an exceptional year

netherlands knhb podcast a final look back at an exceptional year 677f139786956 - Netherlands: KNHB Podcast: a final look back at an exceptional year - The KNHB podcast Podje Hockey takes a brief look back at 2024. We say it again: a unique year for our sport. Never before have the Dutch women and men won Olympic gold in the same year, to name but one example.

The KNHB podcast Podje Hockey takes a brief look back at 2024. We say it again: a unique year for our sport. Never before have the Dutch women and men won Olympic gold in the same year, to name but one example. General manager Erik Gerritsen and technical director Clarinda Sinnige discuss their highs and […]

Netherlands: Road to Oranje Open for Ehren After Departure from Belgium

netherlands weg richting oranje ligt open voor ehren na vertrek bij belgie 66e866b3187c8 - Netherlands: Road to Oranje Open for Ehren After Departure from Belgium - Raoul Ehren has resigned as coach of the Belgian women's team. The Belgian federation KBHB reports that both parties are parting ways. This opens the way for the Brabander to the Oranje Dames. A vacancy has arisen at the Olympic champions after the departure of national coach Paul van Ass.

Raoul Ehren has resigned as coach of the Belgian women’s team. The Belgian federation KBHB reports that both parties are parting ways. This opens the way for the Brabander to the Oranje Dames. A vacancy has arisen at the Olympic champions after the departure of national coach Paul van Ass. Ehren was appointed national coach […]

Netherlands: Six Dutchmen in the race for honorary titles

netherlands zes nederlanders in de race voor eretitels van wereldhockeybond 66e947b66f185 - Netherlands: Six Dutchmen in the race for honorary titles - No fewer than six Dutch players have been nominated for the annual awards of the world hockey association FIH. Thierry Brinkman and Joep de Mol have a chance of becoming World Players of the Year.  Xan de Waard and Yibbi Jansen have been placed on the provisional list of five for the women.

No fewer than six Dutch players have been nominated for the annual awards of the world hockey association FIH. Thierry Brinkman and Joep de Mol have a chance of becoming World Players of the Year.  Xan de Waard and Yibbi Jansen have been placed on the provisional list of five for the women. Of course, these […]

Netherlands: The Most Beautiful Pictures of Margot van Geffen’s Last Competition

netherlands de mooiste platen van de laatste wedstrijd van margot van geffen 66d1ce2b89862 - Netherlands: The Most Beautiful Pictures of Margot van Geffen's Last Competition - Margot van Geffen was put in the spotlight by her teammates of HGC on Thursday evening during a practice match against Huizen (2-0 win). Van Geffen participated in the preparation in Wassenaar to stay fit, before she gets on the plane for her Australian adventure in early September. The star received flowers, hugs, praise and a guard of honour. Despite it being a practice match, it was a worthy farewell. Exactly as she deserves.

After eighteen seasons in the Tulp Hoofdklasse, it’s over for power hockey player Margot van Geffen (34). She will spend her last months on the hockey field in Adelaide, Australia, where the 265-time international will participate in the Australian competition .  Margot van Geffen was put in the spotlight by her teammates of HGC on Thursday evening […]

Netherlands: New National Coach Wanted: ‘No More Suitable Candidate than Ehren’

netherlands nieuwe bondscoach gezocht geen geschiktere kandidaat dan ehren 66d1547173b69 - Netherlands: New National Coach Wanted: 'No More Suitable Candidate than Ehren' - The search for a new national coach is in full swing. Since Paul van Ass announced his departure last week, the most important spot in the dugout for the Oranje Dames is vacant.  Who is suitable for this golden position? We discussed it with Oranje experts Kim Lammers, Marc Lammers and Marloes Keetels. 

The search for a new national coach is in full swing. Since Paul van Ass announced his departure last week, the most important spot in the dugout for the Oranje Dames is vacant.  Who is suitable for this golden position? We discussed it with Oranje experts Kim Lammers, Marc Lammers and Marloes Keetels.  ‘Finding a successor […]

Netherlands: Paul van Ass steps down as national coach of the Dutch Women

netherlands paul van ass stopt als bondscoach van de oranje dames 66c72ae22a6ed - Netherlands: Paul van Ass steps down as national coach of the Dutch Women - Van Ass began his tenure with the Oranjevrouwen in September 2022, as successor to interim national coach Jamilon Mülders. Under Van Ass' leadership, the Dutch team confirmed its status as the undisputed number one in the world rankings, with attacking and often eye-catching hockey.

The successful collaboration between national coach Paul van Ass and the Oranjevrouwen will not be continued. The 64-year-old coach and the KNHB have decided not to extend their agreement that expired after Paris . ‘I feel that I do not want to embark on a four-year adventure now, towards the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.’ Van […]

Netherlands: Van Geffen’s Australian adventure – ‘Special final chapter’

netherlands van geffens australisch avontuur bijzonder laatste hoofdstuk 66c57f566127e - Netherlands: Van Geffen's Australian adventure - 'Special final chapter' - She played eighteen seasons in the Hoofdklasse. She actually wanted to add a nineteenth year to that, at HGC. Until an opportunity came along that she couldn't pass up. That's why Margot van Geffen won't be playing her last official match in the Netherlands, but in Australia.

She played eighteen seasons in the Hoofdklasse. She actually wanted to add a nineteenth year to that, at HGC. Until an opportunity came along that she couldn’t pass up. That’s why Margot van Geffen won’t be playing her last official match in the Netherlands, but in Australia. She is busy packing. Pre-moving. Living between the […]

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