The Hockey Writers’ Club is proud to announce Hampshire’s Rob Jenkins as the inaugural recipient of the Volunteer of the Year award, sponsored by Hockey World News

Rob is a true representative of the sport, having officiated 500 England Hockey League outdoor games over 19 years as an umpire and officiated five indoor finals nights for both the men’s and women’s games. 

He has been a coach and assessor for National Programme Umpiring Association (NPUA) for at least ten years, an Umpire Manager for NPUA indoor and outdoor, and a great supporter of the young umpire talent development programme.

In addition to his contributions at the regional and National level, Rob sits on the World Masters Committee for Officials and has been an Umpire Manager and performing umpire at that level. Prior to that, he was a great servant to Hampshire hockey, where he still holds close ties.

Robjenkins right after 500 matches umpiring 1 - HOCKEY WRITERS’ CLUB ANNOUNCE VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD - The Hockey Writers’ Club is proud to announce Hampshire's Rob Jenkins as the inaugural recipient of the Volunteer of the Year award, sponsored by Hockey World News. 

Rob was unable to attend the awards on Wednesday. It was received on behalf by Hannah and James Wilson, whose father Ken passed away last year and who the award is in memory of.

Rob said: “I feel very humbled and honoured to have received this award. I simply love hockey since my father took me to a game in a pram (I was six months old, I should add) and played as soon as I could hold a stick. Poacher turned gamekeeper became my role 25 years ago, and I have loved being involved in the umpiring side through County, Regional, National, and now Masters hockey.”

Jade Bloomfield, of the Hockey Writers’ Club, said: “This well-deserved recognition is a testament to Rob’s tireless efforts and contributions to the sport of hockey.

“His unwavering commitment to the sport and his selfless contributions have significantly impacted the hockey community.”

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