Ireland: Sports Capital Equipment Programme 2023 Announced

The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin T.D., and the Minister of State for Sport and Physical Education, Thomas Byrne T.D., yesterday announced that a new round of the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme (SCEP) will open for new applications from 17 July. The SCEP is the Government’s primary vehicle for providing support to sports clubs and communities to develop sports infrastructure around the country.

Applicants for local projects can now apply for up to €200,000, increased from the previous maximum grant of €150,000. The maximum valid grant available for projects deemed to be of regional significance has been increased from €300,000 to €500,000.

In addition, this year’s SCEP “Guide to Making an Application” has a focus on climate action and sustainability for the first time, supporting local clubs to take steps to reduce their energy consumption and applying for more efficient lighting.

In the last round of the SCEG in 2020, Hockey saw a 167% increase (2,192000) in their allocation compared to the previous 2018 round. Despite this increase, this still accounts for only 1.3% of the total allocation given across all sports. We still believe, as a sport, we need to be ambitious and further increase the total funding in order to in order to grow the game and provide our players with better facilities.

We would ask that all clubs, based in ROI, to fill in the following form – this will help Hockey Ireland understand what clubs are applying for, so we can offer support and guidance through the process.

Key dates:
12th July – Launch of guide – please note this has been updated and we would recommend ALL clubs study this in depth.
17th July – Application opens
18th July 13.00 – 14.00 – Hockey Ireland webinar 1
20th July 19.30 – 20.30 – Hockey Ireland webinar 2
8th Sept – Applications close

By Hockey Ireland

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