Oceania: Fiji Hockey Federation

Fiji Hockey Stadium has been undergoing major renovations over the past 18 months. A new artificial surface has been laid, an upgrade of the lights undertaken, as well as refurbishment of the grandstand.

Fiji Hockey Federation have had to run trainings and games at the tennis centre. While this had been challenging it has not stopped them gaining qualification to the inaugural Hockey 5s World Cup on Oman in Jan 2024. Both mens and womens team have entered the Pacific Games to be held in Honiara, Solomon Islands, from November 28th to December 2nd.

The official opening of the updated facility is due to occur very soon and the Fiji Federation Executive Committee are looking forward to engaging with all their hockey community, and encouraging them back

To help out OHF donated a bag of new grips to replace the damaged grips of the children’s Kaji sticks as can be seen in the photo.

by Oceania Hockeyl

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