Oceania: Hook in4 Health Creates Live Well, Learn Well, Lead Well in Lae PNG

Martin, or Pomat as he is widely know, attended a training in October last year  in Cairns, with fellow Hook in4 Health staff members Ray Lapun and Hussein Lowah. Aspire to be Deadly, a Hook in4 Health partner responsible for training Hin4H staff  provided the practical training and feedback, alongside their own indigenous Development Officers, who work in Northern Queensland.  

Pomat returned to PNG inspired with new ideas and has rapidly provided the opportunities to local Lae children. He has enlisted the help of other female national role models to help with the sessions. The sessions involve learning how to warm up, developing skills including eye ball coordination fun activities together with hockey skills and health and safety messages. Hockey Australia, who is also a  partner supplied equipment, such as sticks and bibs. More equipment is on its way to lae via Port Moresby.

The group’s last weekends session is displayed visually below :

:lbybsuatvv8n0hvz - Oceania: Hook in4 Health Creates Live Well, Learn Well, Lead Well in Lae PNG - Martin, or Pomat as he is widely know, attended a training in October last year  in Cairns, with fellow Hook in4 Health staff members Ray Lapun and Hussein Lowah. Aspire to be Deadly, a Hook in4 Health partner responsible for training Hin4H staff  provided the practical training and feedback, alongside their own indigenous Development Officers, who work in Northern Queensland.        poswgb9v5pqydbkd - Oceania: Hook in4 Health Creates Live Well, Learn Well, Lead Well in Lae PNG - Martin, or Pomat as he is widely know, attended a training in October last year  in Cairns, with fellow Hook in4 Health staff members Ray Lapun and Hussein Lowah. Aspire to be Deadly, a Hook in4 Health partner responsible for training Hin4H staff  provided the practical training and feedback, alongside their own indigenous Development Officers, who work in Northern Queensland.      pmjpdhl5pyuwgn4o - Oceania: Hook in4 Health Creates Live Well, Learn Well, Lead Well in Lae PNG - Martin, or Pomat as he is widely know, attended a training in October last year  in Cairns, with fellow Hook in4 Health staff members Ray Lapun and Hussein Lowah. Aspire to be Deadly, a Hook in4 Health partner responsible for training Hin4H staff  provided the practical training and feedback, alongside their own indigenous Development Officers, who work in Northern Queensland.    tol9qctfwferwfn8 - Oceania: Hook in4 Health Creates Live Well, Learn Well, Lead Well in Lae PNG - Martin, or Pomat as he is widely know, attended a training in October last year  in Cairns, with fellow Hook in4 Health staff members Ray Lapun and Hussein Lowah. Aspire to be Deadly, a Hook in4 Health partner responsible for training Hin4H staff  provided the practical training and feedback, alongside their own indigenous Development Officers, who work in Northern Queensland.  

by Oceania Hockeyl

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