Oceania: Solomon Islands Hin4H Holiday Program

The program surpassed all expectations,    there were 577 secondary level participants, including 337 girls.

The team had spent significant time in planning the three days, and they had put out registrations on their facebook page, however on the first day they were inundated with extras. 

As the program was run at Solomon Islands Institute of Sport (SINIS)there was sufficient facility options to embrace the additional numbers. Hin4H Partners, SIPPA, ran Alcohol and Drug abuse sessions while SINIS, ran the health and nutrition daily sessions. Nutritional lunches were provided for all the participants and emphasised  Living Well through the use of healthy local foods.

The Hin4H Staff Team enlisted the assistance of volunteer national players to assist with the skill and game practical sessions. The outdoor activities were not just about hockey but also included team building and leadership games.


Samson Auga who is the Hin4H Staff member responsible for the Let’s Whistle In Program, encouraged program attendees to take up the whistle to make sure the games were safe but also with an eye to recruiting participants for his program.




The team robustly reviewed the outcomes of the program so they could be informed and prepared for running the next holiday program by breaking the age groups down, to ensure if the numbers are great that there will be sufficient equipment to have every participant continuously active.

by Oceania Hockeyl

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