If you visit one of our websites or apps, request information via our websites or apps, contact us by telephone and / or register with us, or request another service, we will register your personal data. We are careful with the processing and security of your personal data. We comply with the laws and regulations in the field of the protection of personal data, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG). In this privacy policy, you can read how we handle your personal data.

This statement only applies to the platforms owned by the Hockey World News (HWN). HWN is not responsible for the privacy policy of other sites and (online) sources mentioned on our Platforms.

If you have any questions about these privacy regulations or if you have a complaint about the way we handle your personal data, you can contact privacy@hockeywrldnws.com .

What are personal data and what is meant by processing personal data?

Personal data is all information about an identified or identifiable natural person. Any information with which a person can be directly or indirectly identified is personal information. This may include, for example, your name, contact details and any other information that is or can be linked to you, including for example e-mail address, location information, login code, health information, bank details, etc.

Processing of personal data means any action or set of actions relating to personal data.

Who is the controller for the processing of your personal data?

HWN is responsible for the processing of your personal data. This means that the KNHB itself determines the purposes and means for the processing and that HWN is responsible for compliance with the regulations, which can be reached via privacy@hockeywrldnws.com

Why do we use your personal data?

HWN processes your personal data for various purposes. We only process the necessary personal data.

The following purposes apply to the processing of personal data by HWN:

To be able to contact you

To send you information

For entering into and executing (member and other) agreements

For information and advice

For making offers

For conducting investigations

For participating in panels

For handling complaints and compliments

For conducting disciplinary matters

To be able to conduct advocacy

To show you targeted advertisements by classification in a group profile based on characteristics and behavior

To show you specific HWN advertisements on third-party websites. This can be done, for example, by using targeting tools on Facebook and / or Google to create specific target groups or by uploading (encrypted) email addresses. Targeted advertisements are then shown to these target groups

Your personal data can be exchanged with or made available to all parts of HWN for the aforementioned purposes. It is also possible that when you use different HWN products and / or services, your data will be combined into a profile with data from (the use of) other HWN products and / or services and / or from third parties (as mentioned below) under ‘data obtained from third parties’)

We also use your personal data for relationship management and activities to increase our database of hockey players, fans, volunteers and other parties involved in the HWN and to inform you about our activities. We try to take your preferences into account. If you no longer wish to receive information from the HWN, HWN will always offer you the opportunity to unsubscribe.

Why are we allowed to process your personal data?

According to legislation, in particular the GDPR, HWN may only process personal data if one of the legal bases applies. HWN uses the following legal grounds for the processing of personal data:

A. after obtaining permission from the person whose personal data we process;

B. in the context of the formation and / or implementation of an agreement;

C. to comply with the law (including accounting treatment, tax obligations and obligations under court orders or other mandatory laws and regulations);

D. in connection with the legitimate interests of HWN, whereby HWN ensures that the impact on your privacy is as limited as possible.

For example, personal data is processed in the event of:

How long do we keep your personal data?

HWN does not store personal data longer than necessary for the realisation of the purposes for which the data are processed, and in any case as long as specific regulations require.

How do we obtain your personal data?

We obtain your personal data directly from you and process it, for example if you create an account, register for a course, workshop or further training or register for the newsletter.

1. Create an account

To use certain parts of our Platforms, you must first create an account. After creating your account, we save your data, so that when you log in you receive a personalized news overview and standings engine and you have the option to respond to messages, for example.

To create an account, we ask for the following information:

Club Association
E-mail address

If you delete your account, the personal data you provided in relation to your account will also be deleted. For more information and questions about your personal data, please contact  privacy@hockeywrldnws.com

2. Subscribe to the Newsletter

You can subscribe to the HWNnewsletter . We will keep you informed of hockey news via the newsletter. Your e-mail address will be automatically added to the mailing list of the newsletter. In every newsletter you receive, there is a link with which you can unsubscribe.

3. Cookies

In addition, we obtain data via cookies, such as your surfing behavior, the time at which you use our online services or the type of service you use. We can link this information to your account when you are logged in.

4. Information obtained from third parties

If you register with one of our partners for a service or product of HWN, such as a registration for one of our newsletters, we will receive the relevant data from this partner and we may process it for the purpose for which you provided that data. . For example, when you log in via a social media party (eg facebook) on a website or HWN app, we receive your e-mail address and public profile information.

To whom do we provide your personal data?

We use third parties to manage our Platforms. It is possible that these third parties have access to your personal data. If so, we will take appropriate measures to ensure that your data is adequately secured and used only for the intended purposes. Under no circumstances will your personal data be sold or shared with third parties by HWN.

1. Passing on and receiving personal data within HWN

HWN can exchange your (personal) data between the various employees and volunteers within the organization, insofar as this is necessary in view of the purpose of the data processing.

2. Passing on and receiving data outside HWN

The purpose of the processing of your personal data may entail that we share personal data with other organizations. Insofar as there is no explicit consent or legal obligation, this exchange of data will only take place on the basis of the performance of the agreement between you and HWN or when HWN has a legitimate interest in this.

3. No commercial use

HWN will not sell your personal data or otherwise make it commercially available to third parties without your permission.


HWN has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. HWN has established an information security policy and has taken physical, organizational and electronic measures with due observance of this. Your data is sent over the internet via secure connections. We contractually impose on third parties engaged in the management and development of the Platforms the obligation to respect the confidentiality of your data.

View, delete and change: what are your privacy rights?

You have the right to inspect your personal data, the right to request correction, limitation or deletion of your personal data and you can also request the transfer of your data. Finally, you can object to the use of your data.
If the processing of your data is based on consent, you can withdraw it at any time. You can send your written requests or questions regarding privacy-related matters to: privacy@hockeywrldnws.com
You will receive an answer as soon as possible. For members of an association affiliated with HWN, they must first address questions about membership to their own association.


We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy statement. Therefore, regularly check the Privacy Statement for the latest version of our privacy policy.


If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at privacy@hockeywrldnws.com .

This privacy statement was last modified on August 18, 2020

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