Netherlands: Contract extensions as works of art: Den Bosch surprises with videos

De aankondiging van een nieuwe speler, de bekendmaking van een contractverlenging: veel clubs doen dit nog altijd op de traditionele manier. Met een foto van de speler achter een tafel, terwijl hij of zij een krabbel zet onder het contract. Den Bosch pakt het moderner aan: door middel van toffe video’s op de socialmediakanalen van […]
Netherlands: De valse herstart van Bloemendaal: ‘Noem het onze wake-up-week’

Bloemendaal is experiencing a false start to the second half of the season. Within eight days, the frontrunner went down against low-flyer SCHC (4-3) and mid-tier Klein Zwitserland (3-2). ‘Two defeats in such a short time, I have never experienced that here,’ reacted Jorrit Croon, the brand new captain of De Mussen. Croon, now in […]
Netherlands: The weekend: IJburg quarters and doves on fire

From Maastricht to Hattem and at Ares to Leonidas, hockey was back in full swing this past weekend. We take a look at the socials of the Fourth through the Transition Class. Some of the Instagram pearls of the standard teams. Your team in this column next week? Send us a DM. We had almost […]
Netherlands: Lottery Gold Cup (D): Den Bosch-Amsterdam and Tilburg-Oranje-Rood

De KNHB heeft maandag de loting verricht voor de halve finales van de Gold Cup Heren Dames. De ploegen spelen hun wedstrijden op donderdag 20 maart. Beide duels beginnen om 20.30 uur. Den Bosch, bekerwinnaar van 2022, krijgt bezoek van Amsterdam. De hoofdstedelingen haalden vorig seizoen de finale, maar moesten toen hun meerdere erkennen in […]
Netherlands: Eindelijk feest bij Huizen: ‘Na vandaag is alles anders’

They had to wait months for it. Had meanwhile accumulated a huge portion of angelic patience. But Sunday finally arrived for the ladies of Huizen. The straggler, who entered the day with only one point on the counter, stunted with a 1-0 win at Rotterdam. Indeed, their first win this season. Sunday afternoon, at a […]
Netherlands: Langedijk growth giant: ‘Promotional mission first, then Amsterdam’

Eighteen years old she is only. Yet Katerina Langedijk already experienced a premier league season. With Bloemendaal, the attacking midfielder is playing in the Promotion Division this year, but not for long. And that is not only because her team is leading and promotion beckons. Indeed, top club Amsterdam recently announced Langedijk’s arrival. But that […]
Netherlands: HK (H): Pinoké verliest van Oranje-Rood, winst Amsterdam

Pinoké’s weak run continues. The team of outgoing coach Jesse Mahieu suffered its sixth defeat in the last seven league games on Saturday. They lost 4-3 to Oranje-Rood in Eindhoven. Amsterdam won at Nijmegen. It became 3-0. Oranje-Rood – Pinoké 4-3Oranje-Rood recorded their first home victory over Pinoké since September 23, 2018. Back then it […]
Netherlands: Silver Cup: results catch-up games fifth and sixth rounds

Last Thursday and Friday several catch-up matches were played in the Silver Cup. For the ladies two games in the sixth round of the cup were scheduled, while for the men four games from the fifth round were played. For the ladies, first division team Ede recorded a 3-1 victory over second division team Maarssen […]
Netherlands: Rijnvliet MO16 goes national: ‘It’s still unreal’

‘Het blijft onwerkelijk dat we landelijk gaan spelen’, zegt coach Leon van Hennik van Rijnvliet MO16-1. De woorden van de ervaren coach vatten perfect samen wat er leeft binnen zijn team en de club. Nooit eerder in de nog jonge geschiedenis van de Utrechtse vereniging plaatste een team zich voor de landelijke competitie. ‘We zullen […]
Netherlands: Duikend naar goals: Fay van der Elst laat zich zien in Oranje

These have been busy weeks for Fay van der Elst (27), the assured striker of Amsterdam and the Dutch national team. Barely recovered from an intense Pro League trip in India, she and her clubmates were already back on the misty peaks of the Scottish Highlands. As the big league prepares for the resumption, we […]