JWC: Germany Advance to Final After Hitting 8 Past England

WSP2204105847 1200x600 1649605124 - JWC: Germany Advance to Final After Hitting 8 Past England - '7 1-0 Neumann (sc)'9 2-0 Kurz (sc)'12 3-0 Fleschütz'25 4-0 Heinz'35 5-0 Neumann (sc)'36 6-0 Neumann'57 7-0 Schwabe'60 8-0 StoffelsmaPoor England actually knew after twelve minutes that they would not play for the gold in two days. Germany was already leading 3-0 at the time. Those goals were scored within five minutes. The rest of the game became a mere formality. At halftime, Germany led 5-0 and added three more in the second half. Verena Neumann, player of Mannheimer HC, was the star of the day with three hits. Germany therefore meets Orange in the final battle, England fights with India for the bronze.

Germany will be the opponent of the Netherlands in the final of the World Cup under 21 in Potchefstroom on Tuesday. The team with Olympians Jette Fleschütz and Pauline Heinz gave England a twist in the semi-final: 8-0. Germany – England 8-0 ‘7 1-0 Neumann (sc)‘9 2-0 Kurz (sc)’12 3-0 Fleschütz’25 4-0 Heinz’35 5-0 Neumann (sc)’36 […]

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