Netherlands: Warmerdam Enjoys Playoff Debut: ‘but We Don’t Have Anything Yet’

HFN1942 1200x600 1652644817 - Netherlands: Warmerdam Enjoys Playoff Debut: 'but We Don't Have Anything Yet' - If you didn't know better, you must have thought after the playoff-game between Amsterdam and Pinoké on Sunday that the Stingneuzen had just won the Dutch title of the Tulip Hoofdklasse Men. Hundreds of Pinoké supporters stormed the field. They hugged and cheered the players, thousands of fans clapped their hands and shouted to their heroes in the packed stands of the Wagener Stadium. "Pinoke ole, ole."

If you didn’t know better, you must have thought after the playoff-game between Amsterdam and Pinoké on Sunday that the Stingneuzen had just won the Dutch title of the Tulip Hoofdklasse Men. Hundreds of Pinoké supporters stormed the field. They hugged and cheered the players, thousands of fans clapped their hands and shouted to their heroes in […]

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