Vale Colin Nicholas OAM

vale colin nicholas oam 645336d10e9c7 - Vale Colin Nicholas OAM - Hockey Australia is saddened to hear of the passing of Life Member and former HA President Colin Nicholas at the age of 92.

Hockey Australia is saddened to hear of the passing of Life Member and former HA President Colin Nicholas at the age of 92.

Born in Perth, Colin was President of Hockey Australia and Hockey WA in the 1990’s. Awarded life membership of HA in 1997, Colin was also a life member of Hockey WA. He was a popular figure in Australian hockey circles and contributed decades of time and service to the sport at club, state and national level.

As an architect, Colin was involved in the planning and design of the current Perth Hockey Stadium at Curtin University, ensuring it was built in time for the 1979 Esanda Tournament. Due to federal funding from former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser, the stadium was named the Commonwealth Hockey Stadium when it was officially opened.

Colin was also instrumental in the group that established the Australian Institute of Sport hockey programme in Perth in 1984. Heavily involved with Old Modernians Hockey Club in Perth from 1948-2011, he was President of the WA Hockey Association and then President of the Australian Hockey Association (AHA) – the men’s hockey association.

Colin was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in 1991 for his services to hockey. One of the foundation member of Masters hockey in WA, he regularly played midweek hockey and played many games against school sides for Hotspurs. He also toured overseas with the latter team, notably to London in 1986 for the Kookaburras’ successful World Cup campaign.

During his time, Colin also continued to drive and promote hockey’s reputation as a strong family orientated sport. “We can look forward to a strong future for hockey, particularly in the ‘Year of the Family’ because hockey is a family-based sport.”

Colin is survived by his wife Mary, two sons and two daughters. Hockey Australia expresses its sincere condolences to Colin’s family at this time.

The funeral service for Colin will be held on Tuesday 9 May at 11am at Holy Spirit Church, City Beach WA. All are welcome to attend.

Australia Hockey

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