Asia: Asian Hockey Federation A hockey sport development program. The course is being held at Myanmar Hockey Federation Artificial Grass Hockey Stadium.


Hockey Sports Coach Basic Course conducted practice/practical/demonstration with local coaches from December 18-26, 2023.
Advanced course will be delivered by Mr. Shiv Sharan Singh Jagday, a Canadian citizen from December 27th to 30th.
Of the course The aim is to create good coaches who can teach the new generation of hockey players the fundamentals of hockey.
A total of 25 trainees from different regions/states attended this training.
After successfully attending the training, the new generation of players in our region will be able to participate in the hockey tournaments organized by the Ministry of Sports and Social Affairs, Myanmar Hockey Federation.
New generation young athletes from regional/state teams who come to compete in local competitions. It is the organization’s responsibility to train the new generation young athletes from departmental teams to compete in international competitions. As it is a process, the training that is being offered now will greatly contribute to the development of Myanmar hockey sports.

by Asia Hockey


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