The ABN AMRO EHL FINAL8 will step up its commitment to be as sustainable and circular as possible when it welcomes fans to the Wagener Stadium from March 28 to April 1.
In 2023, the first step towards making the tournament achieve these targets was taken in tandem with host club Pinoké, together with Stichting de Wave, waste processor Circlarity and EuroHockey.
The result in terms of waste was a 10% CO2 emission reduction, equivalent to 767 kg of CO2, achieved by better waste separation and redirecting streams for new use.
This year, Stichting de Wave, Circlarity, EuroHockey, and hockey clubs AH&BC Amsterdam and Pinoké aim to take another step towards a more sustainable tournament with less waste.
It’s a huge task that requires everyone’s involvement and collective effort.
There are seven initiatives through which we are working together towards a more sustainable tournament, three of which are new this year. This is made possible by support from Provincie Noord Holland.
- The Wave – Stadium Film
A more sustainable world starts with ourselves. During the EHL, a stadium film will be shown during the break of each match, calling on visitors to consciously dispose of their waste in the designated waste bins.
- The Wave – Clean Ups (pictured above)
To ensure the EHL becomes the cleanest sporting event it can be, Clean-Up teams led by The Wave Foundation will clean the venue daily. Our goal is to have almost nothing left to clean up because together we aim for the cleanest and most sustainable event!
- Circlarity – The Perfect Waste Collection Structure
Circlarity ensures the perfect waste collection structure on-site, from collection methods and logistics to the most sustainable (circular) processing. This is achieved through special waste collection points. Also, the right sustainable procurement of materials reduces waste. With the help of all visitors, we will separate all waste and recycle it appropriately.
- Natureko – Biodisposables (new)
By using sustainable packaging, we can combat residual waste. During the EHL, we will use biodegradable fry bags. These are made from the renewable resource cellulose and offer an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic containers. Natureko Biodisposables has been a leader in sustainable packaging and disposables for over 10 years. They exclusively supply sustainable alternatives to environmentally unfriendly packaging and are specialists in this market.

- GreenCups – Reusable Coffee Cups (new)
One of the largest sources of plastic pollution is the well-known paper coffee cups with a plastic coating on the inside. During the EHL, we will use reusable coffee cups from GreenCups, so we can enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee from Smit&Dorlas without unnecessary waste!
A beer is also part of the experience for many EHL fans! Heineken will use the RPET cup during the event. This is a beer cup which is collected separately after use and can be very well recycled. Cheers!
- Hockey Dreams Foundation – Give Your Hockey Stick a Second Chance!
Hockey sticks are actually not recyclable, but they can be reused! The Hockey Dreams Foundation focuses on the “heroes” of any sport; the coaches! In HDF’s programs in Africa, they are supported to learn playing, setting goals, taking charge of their lives, caring for themselves and others, speaking out, dreaming big, and being the “gamechangers” of tomorrow.
Through the connection with the sport, they too get a chance at a better future. During the EHL, you can hand in your used hockey stick. Then, make a post on Instagram with the hashtags #EHL #hockeydreamsfoundation and #foundationthewave to stand a chance to win a great prize!