England: Working Mum Laura Cavendish Shares Why #TimeTogether with Daughter Ella Is So Special

The Women In Sport #TimeTogether campaign encourages mums and daughters or aunties and nieces to find adventure, experience joy, find freedom, feel strong and discover where they belong.  

Laura Cavendish and daughter Ella are starting to pick up a stick together even though Ella is too young to play in the same team.  

Lauras hockey journey began 28 years ago when she was just 11 years old, Ella, who is in the under 10s, gets to spend Sundays with her mum who is giving back to the hockey community by coaching the U10 girls and boys. 

Laura is a busy working mum who picks up a stick for a couple of hours a week to do something just for her.  

She said “In my earlier playing career, it was very different – I wanted to play at the highest level possible, be at my fittest, and achieve everything with my club and teammates. I am very lucky to say I did just that, lots of national titles, cup titles, and even getting to play mixed hockey too (which was just the most amazing fun with some very special teammates).

“Now, hockey is so much more than just playing sport, you are part of a family – who are always there for you, for the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

“I have made lifelong friends, who share a passion for a particular sport, but most importantly have been part of every aspect of my life. The hockey community is one I am very proud to be part of and hope to continue to be in some way, shape or form even in my old age!” 

Hockey has always been Laura’s passion and is hoping Ella gets the same experience, “I wanted Ella to experience all the good that you get with a team sport. It has helped to develop her confidence, make new friends, and importantly have fun whilst being active.” explained Laura. 

Ella loves having her mum as her coach. It’s a time that is just for them, each week, to look forward to and Ella gets to have her mum by her side, watching, teaching and playing hockey together.  

“I work full time and so to have this time together at the weekend is really special and something I look to protect as much as possible,” said Laura.  

When speaking to Laura about the #TimeTogehter campaign she expressed her passion and how being a mum, a national title winner, a coach and a hockey player would only be made more special by spending time with her daughter.  

I would be so proud to step on a pitch with Ella – this has always been an ambition of mine since becoming a mum. As I was growing up, I always admired mums and daughters who played together – such an amazing experience to share together.” 

Hockey holds a special place in people’s hearts and a lot of this comes from their experiences with coaches,  teachers and volunteers. Hockey is built up of a wide range of people which helps build and create incredible teams, clubs and communities. Laura believes that by supporting her local club by coaching, volunteering  and helping with mini hockey on a Sunday morning, she is doing her small bit to give back to the sport that has given her so much. 

by England Hockeyl

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