Oceania: H5 Tournament Opening Ceremony Festive Occasion

When we say the journeys were difficult it is an understatement. 

PNG took a bus from Cairns in order to save on airfares while Vanuatu’s plane had to be replaced after a wait of 6 hours!

However, spirits were high this morning and teams singing their national anthems was a highlight.  The crowd numbers were very pleasing and the enthusiam and positivity towards all teams was magnificent. VIPs from the Gold Coast Council, along with representatives of the host GC Hockey Assoc and  Andrew Minogue CEO of the Pacific Games Council. An excellent history was delivered in the Welcome to Country. 

idhayccavb3c6phu - Oceania: H5 Tournament Opening Ceremony Festive Occasion - When we say the journeys were difficult it is an understatement. 






PNG and Fiji Teams ready to march on 

fjwqpajsgbi2lq2u - Oceania: H5 Tournament Opening Ceremony Festive Occasion - When we say the journeys were difficult it is an understatement. 

by Oceania Hockeyl

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