Oceania: Hook in4 Health Team Visits Manus Province

Staff members Ray Lapun and Hussein Lowah led the team arriving in Manus on the 18th December and then worked with 3 villages through to the 31st December. 

Hussein’s focus was engaging children in hockey and small game activities involving 47 girls and 132 boys . The highlight was playing hockey games on the beach. 





A highlight for the village Mamas was the presentation of 2 new    sewing machines donated by the Blenheim Rotary Club (NZ) that were organised by OHF Board Member Andy Rowe and his wife Marion. The women immediately put the machines into action after a revision session on garment creation and construction.

The Hin4H Team delivered 4 workshops with a focus on empowering women. There were 3 villages involved. Rei Village 2 workshops, Lako Village 1 workshop and 1 at Solang Village on Lou Island. The aim of the ‘Empowering Women Workshop ‘ delivered to the three different villages was … ’empowering our women, transforming our village’.  Total participants involved  were 312 Women and 257 Men overall.

by Oceania Hockeyl

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