Scotland: Voice of Hockey join National LGBTI Forum

Scottish Hockey joins National LGBTI Sports Group to advocate equality within sport in Scotland alongside fellow Scottish governing bodies of sport 

The National LGBTI Sports Group, coordinated by Leap Sports Scotland, is a national group which exists to have a strategic overview of matters of LGBTI equality within sport in Scotland. Created following recommendations from the Out for Sport Report, the group recognises that LGBTI people experience particular issues that prevent their equal access and participation in sport; and that LGBTI-phobia in sport causes significant barriers and inequality in sport.  

LEAP Sports Scotland works for greater inclusion for LGBTI people in sport and against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in a sports context. Committed to breaking down the structural, social and personal barriers which prevent lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people across the country from accessing, participating and excelling in Scottish sports.  

The group is committed to the full inclusion of LGBTI people in sport and physical activity and to tackling LGBTI-phobia within sport. Scottish Hockey, entering into the Build phase of its ambitious four-year strategic plan, has embedded Equality, Diversity and Inclusion throughout its strategy and proactively pursue true inclusivity within the sport.  

We have a vision to be the most inclusive sport in Scotland. Within Hockey we already have great gender party and being elected to this forum allows us to make sure that people from the LGBTI community have the opportunity to partake and enjoy sport and in particular the great family fun sport that Hockey is. This platform will allow us to influence strategic policy and matters across Scotland” noted Barry Cawte, Chief Executive Officer 

Successful in its application to join the group, Scottish Hockey sits as one of five sports governing body in sport (SGBs) representatives and is delighted to add its voice, while representing the voice of fellow SGBs, to the national narrative. 

For further information or to engage with the upcoming #RainbowLaces campaign, please contact Keith Macleod.



Keith Macleod
Engagement Manager

[email protected]

by Scotland Hockey

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