
Germany: Berliner H Wins Top Game, HTHC and DHC With Victories

The Berliner HC won the important Volvo ERB top game of the week against Uhlenhorst Mülheim. Harvestehuder THC and Düsseldorfer HC clearly won their home games, while Mannheimer HC also had the upper hand at UHC Hamburg. The match reports:


A game that was extremely important for the table in Season A was this Sunday at Großflottbeker THGC. After five games, the GTHGC already has seven points and is already four points ahead of the first playdown in fifth place, where the promoted team Bremer HC has three points. Today’s opponent from Munich was already five points behind the Hamburg team with two points before the game and needed a win not to lose sight of the playoff places early on.

And the Munich team got off to a strong start and were rewarded in the first quarter with the goal of the day by Jacqueline Dorner, who scored to make it 0-1 (13′). It remained a tough and balanced game in which the Munich SC managed to defend the lead to the end.

Next Saturday, the Großflottbeker THGC is challenged in the northern duel at Bremer HC (3:00 p.m.), while the Munich SC is a guest at Uhlenhorst Mülheim next Sunday (12:00 p.m.).


Master against promoted, that was the title of the game between Düsseldorfer HC and Bremer HC. The Bremen team had recently shown strong performances as promoted women and, after yesterday’s first win of the season against Uhlenhorst Mülheim, traveled with a lot of self-confidence to second place in Season A.

And the Bremen women kept up well in Düsseldorf at the beginning. It wasn’t until the second quarter before a team was able to put itself on the scoreboard for the first time: Agustina Albertarrio gave the favorites from Düsseldorf a 1-0 lead (21′). It stayed that way until halftime.

In the third quarter, the DHC immediately picked up the pace and increased the result: Sara Strauss scored first (31′), before Lisa Nolte made it 3-0 with a penalty corner (36′, KE). Emma Sophie Hessler then made it 4-0 for Düsseldorfer HC (44′, KE) before the end of the third period. The game was of course decided and in the final quarter DHC followed up with two more goals from Sophia Schwabe (52′, KE) and Carina Salz (53′), so that in the end a clear 6-0 home win was on the scoreboard.

Next Saturday, Düsseldorfer HC is challenged at TSV Mannheim Hockey (4:15 p.m.), while Bremer HC also hosts Großflottbeker THGC next Saturday (3:00 p.m.)


The ladies from Rot-Weiss Cologne have made a tailor-made start to the new season. The Cologne team is still undefeated with 13 points from five games in first place in Season A. The club on the Alster has won four and lost two of its six games so far and, having played two more games, is in second place in Season B, with the same number of points the Mannheim HC.

Knowing about the strengths of today’s opponent, both teams took it easy at first. Shortly before the end of the first quarter, however, things happened in rapid succession: Nike Lorenz initially gave the hosts the lead (12′), but Emily Wolbers immediately equalized (13′).

The club on the Alster got into the encounter better and better and then went for a double strike: First Hannah Gablać scored (20′), before Viktoria Huse made it 1-3 at half-time with a penalty corner (22′, KE).

Both teams scored their chances in the final quarter, but it was not until the 57th minute that Antonia Bludau made the decision to make it 4-1. Pia Maertens shortened the lead immediately (58′), but in the end it wasn’t enough for the Cologne team, who suffered a defeat for the first time this season.

Rot-Weiss Köln are guests at Mannheimer HC next Saturday (2:00 p.m.), while the club on the Alster already welcomes Harvestehuder THC to the derby on Friday (7:30 p.m.).


In the Volvo ERB top game of the week , both the women from Uhlenhorst Mülheim and those from Berliner HC were under a little pressure. Before the direct clash in Season B, Uhlenhorst Mülheim had collected three points from five games and was fourth, while Berliner HC was fifth in the playdown with two points from five games.

Both teams started the game cautiously after yesterday’s defeats. However, the guests from Berlin had the first good opportunity: Luzie Franz dynamically pulled into the circle from the left, but was denied by Finja Starck in the Mülheimer Tor (5th). In the aftermath, the BHC remained the game-determining team and recorded a few shots on the Mülheimer Tor. Only one team played and that was the guests, but they didn’t want to score in the first quarter.

That was to change in the second quarter: Berliner HC earned the first penalty corners of the game, which Mülheim initially defended well, but Sophie Hildebrandt dangerously put the ball in front of the goal again, where Solvej Althof blocked the ball over the line (22′, KE). The BHC withdrew a bit with the lead behind them and left the initiative to the women of Mülheim. However, the hosts were unable to generate more than possession in the middle of the second quarter. The hosts didn’t come in front of the goal of Berliner HC in a really dangerous way. The 0:1 break lead for the Berliners was deserved.

In the third quarter, the BHC remained the more active team, the Mülheim team continued to have problems getting the ball dangerously in front of the opposing goal. The Berlin HC continued to try to become dangerous with counterattacks and was almost rewarded with the 0:2: Again the very conspicuous Luzie Franz moved into the circle from the right, but Finja Starck parried two of Sophie Hildebrandt’s shots excellently. 

Final quarter in Mülheim and the problems of the hosts were still visible: The Mülheim women scored their last goal on September 11 in a 2-3 away win at TSV Mannheim Hockey. The women from Mülheim had not scored in either Düsseldorf or Bremen. And today? The hosts tried to put the BHC under more pressure with controlled risk, but the guests remained dangerous with counterattacks. The Mülheim team then took goalkeeper Finja Starck, who was in top form today, off the field in favor of another field player. The hostess did not want to succeed in a dangerous conclusion, even with the artificially created majority. 

With the 0-1 away win, Berliner HC overtakes Uhlenhorst Mülheim and advances to a playoff place.

Next Sunday Uhlenhorst Mülheim is challenged at home against Munich SC (12:00 p.m.), the day before Berliner HC hosts UHC Hamburg (12:00 p.m.)


Both Harvestehuder THC and TSV Mannheim Hockey lost their games yesterday without scoring their own goal. HTHC lost 2-0 to Mannheimer HC at home, while TSVMH lost 4-0 at Großflottbek. Both teams wanted to make amends, while for the guests it was also about making up points against their opponents from Mülheim and Berlin, who were in a direct duel.

The Harvestehuder THC tried to stand securely at the beginning and initially let the Mannheimers have the ball. Then the hosts dared to push forward and were rewarded directly: Albane Garot deflected a shot half-left in the circle of the shot and just before the goal was untenable (9th). The TSVMH was struggling with the deficit and the HTHC took advantage of the disorientation of the guests: again the hostesses came down the left side, again the ball came into the circle and Oriana Gallitrico brought the ball down with the Argentine backhand in the left corner ( 11.). But the first quarter was still not over, because HTHC continued to rev up: Denise Krimerman Losada scrubbed a penalty corner into the right corner to make it 3-0 (14′, KE). 

TSV Mannheim Hockey tried to let the ball continue to run smoothly and then ran straight into an HTHC counterattack. Again the ball was put into the circle on the left and again the ball was deflected just before the goal, this time by Maren Kiefer (17′). The Harvestehuder THC knew no stopping and only a little later after a cross from the right by Katharina Kiefer from close range to 5:0 (18th). Despite the seemingly hopeless score, the Mannheim team didn’t let their heads down and were rewarded with the final corner of the second quarter: Luisa Walter completed a take-off to make it 1-5 at half-time (30′, KE).

In the third quarter, HTHC took it easy at first, but then Laura Saenger completed the half dozen with a converted penalty corner (41’KE). However, the Mannheim team kept playing and scored the 6:2 (43rd minute) after a cross from the right by Tara Duus.

HTHC also scored directly in the final quarter: Laura Saenger scored the next corner to make it 7-2 (49′, KE). 

Harvestehuder THC is already challenged in the derby at Club an der Alster next Friday (7:30 p.m.), while TSV Mannheim Hockey will host Düsseldorfer HC next Saturday (4:15 p.m.)


The third received the leader of the table for the top game in season B. After the smashing victory the day before, UHC Hamburg wanted to make the six-point home weekend perfect and overtake Mannheimer HC. Before the game, both teams had 12 points on their credit side, but the UHC played one game more.

The first sporting highlight came from Mannheimer HC very early: Verena Neumann scored after less than 60 seconds to make it 0:1 (1st). There were no more goals to marvel at in the first half or in the second, which is why Neumann’s goal was the only goal of the day right at the start and gave Mannheimer HC an important away win.

UHC Hamburg will travel to the capital to meet Berliner HC next Saturday (12:00 p.m.), while Mannheimer HC will also host Rot-Weiss Köln on Saturday (2:00 p.m.)

Photo: Marc Junge (SportsGallery) Written by Hockeyliga eV

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