EHF: EuroHockey Digital Transformation project holds full partner meeting

The EuroHockey Digital Transformation project, which is co-funded by the European Union, held a full partner meeting at the head office of digital partners Skylark Creative in Shoreditch in London, England last week.

EuroHockey staff were present and – together with member national associations from Poland, France and Czech Republic – reviewed the past six months of work across the digital product.

They analysed the new portal that is being built for all member nations to communicate and work with EuroHockey in the future.

An important element included Skylark’s Creative and Technical Directors showcasing new design work, supported by CZYK Design, which will support all the new digital transformations which will make EuroHockey more fluid across each department and will improve the communications between its members.

On the 17th August at the EuroHockey General Assembly, member nations present will be the first to be shown the next dynamic and bold steps the organisation is taking, with the final parts released up to June 2024.

“The momentum is building and I can’t wait to show our members what we have been working on. A massive thanks to all the partners for a exciting meeting, with lots of positivity on show,” said Tom Pedersen-Smith, Head of National Associations.

by European Hockey Federation

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