Oceania: Hook in4 Health PNG to receive surprise gift

The PNG Hook in4 Health Mamas group chose to learn to sew as a viable skill they needed for their wellbeing. This proved to be a runaway success with the group able to sew not only for themelves but some of them are realising the potential for small businesses to be developed.

After hearing from OHF Board Member Andy Rowe about the Mama’s-driven extension initiative within the Hook in4 Health Program, the Blenheim Rotary Club, a service organisation Andy is a member of, elected to donate new sewing machines to assist the Mamas in their endeavours. These are most welcome as much of the sewing is being done on very basic machines that have been handed down through families. 

Andy, together with wife Marion, purchased the sewing machines during their trip to the AGM in Christchurch two weeks ago, and are pictured holding one of them. Thank you to the Blenheim for their support of this program.

by Oceania Hockeyl

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